Saturday, December 23, 2006

Something old, something new.

So I'm back from Project H. It's been a while, puppies. I apologize for leaving you hanging.

I'd like to do a year in review. I'd like to but that's so lame. Everybody does a year in review. Boor-ing.

Instead I'll relay the dyanmite day I had this very day. It was explosive. Truly. Fasten your belts.

I kicked it off with my fierce morning karate practice. You didn't know I practiced the art of karate, did you? I do. Let this be a warning to never ever ever fuck with me. (Sidenote: I saw a kid with a t-shirt that read Never Fuck With Me but it was in Italian and therefore not easily understood by the non-paisans.)

Anyway, after my seriously freakalicious practice, I got in touch with my sensitive side and baked a cake. You didn't know I baked, did you? Just goes to show, you don't make the effort to get to know me. For shame. I did bake a delicious cake with fresh ingredients and now it sits like a large loaf, because it is loaf-shaped, on my kitchen table waiting for consumption.

After practicing the high art of karate and baking a cake, I was pretty bored. So I took a long walk. Downtown to Chinatown.

There have been more than one occassion in which I have found myself on these aimless walks deep in the heart of Chinatown. I'm never quite sure what to do once there. I look. I walk fast. I try not to make eye contact.

Quite honestly, I took this long constitution because I was pissed off about something and needed to "walk it off." The rage that is. I am sometimes filled with rage. You didn't know that either, did you?

Luckily the brisk air and a call from a former boyfriend put me back into a non-rage frame of mind. So here I am. The rage is at bay. I am staring at all the presents I've bought and wrapped for my totally awesome family and feeling pretty awesome myself.

So Happy Whatever-You-Celebrate to you and yours. Sorry for the delay in updating you post-vacation. I may have promised a picture but I'm feeling a little stingy after so much giving today.

Until tomorrow, pups.

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