Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Gone Missing

It's funny sometimes -- in a totally not funny way -- how people come in quickly to your life and then disappear just as fast. Like one day, they're all up in your business because your particular brand of business is the most interesting business in the world. And then in a flash, POOF! Goodbye. No phone call. No "Dear John" letter. No explanation. No nothing.

Let me just say what's on your mind. Is that any way to treat a lady, as Helen Reddy would say?

No. It ain't no way to treat a lady.

I blame the InterWeb. And the Me Generation. And Quentin Tarantino because that guy just gets on my nerves.

Actually I blame you for being such a chickenshit. Grow some cajones, muchacho. Stand up and be a man or a woman or whatever you are.

I could name names but you offenders know who you are. Stop stinking things up for the rest of us because the next time I catch you being all coy with me. . . well you take your chances and see what happens, punk.

1 comment:

  1. but, but I just called you and left a message today and e-mails and left more messages .... I love you!!!!

    oh ... you mean ... oh ... I see! MUAH! I can beat up the punk asses, no problem. d
