Thursday, February 03, 2011

Finally, the end of Men is nigh. What!

Thank you, Charlie Sheen, for putting a stop to new episodes of "Two and a Half Men."

Applause, applause, applause.

Someone had to put their foot down. I'm with Sheen on this one.

As for his recent antics, let's compare and contrast. True, it takes courage to trash your hotel room while your children are next door. But consider the brass balls required to deliver lines like this from TAAHM:

Alan: You have to forget about her, Charlie.
Charlie: (holding bottle of liquor) I know, that's why I got me some milk of amnesia.

For Christ's sake, his character's name is Charlie. That's a stunning display of originality, writers.

Not convinced? The theme song of TAAHM goes something like this:

Men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, meeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn

Colin Meloy of the verbose The Decemberists wishes he could master this kind of word play. (I approve of Colin Meloy's logorrhea.)

So quit wagging your accusatory fingers at Charlie and poo-pooing his personal problems. Has anyone stepped up to suggest that his addictions could be related to being on this supremely shitty show for so long? There, I said it.

America, you are to blame.

Eight seasons of this abomination? Plus, syndication! Good grief. Have you no self-esteem? To give yourselves over to this visual/aural vomitorium week after week, it disgusts me.

And, Duckie, what the hell happened to land you here? Go back to the record store with Iona. Please.

I miss Sheen's Hot Shot days. He was a fine piece of tall, dark, and let's-get-it-on back then. Now he's starting to get those nibblet teeth. You know the ones, from smoking the pipe.

Anyway, I wish Carlos Irwin Estevez well. Sobriety should knock the TAAHM stupor out of him. In the meantime, a heartfelt thank you for trying to save the unwashed masses from Men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, men, meeeeeeeeeeennnnnnn

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