Wednesday, November 14, 2007


It’s such a strange thing to ask for. Even stranger to say out loud.

I forgive you.

Whatever, dork.

You really have to fuck things up to ask for forgiveness. We’re talking major life-altering calamity. Like a tornado of wrong doing. Whoring comes to mind. Emptying someone’s bank account. Murder. Dismemberment. The drogas. We’re not dealing with small potatoes on the quest-for-forgiveness front. Or maybe I’m just too forgiving.

Anyway, someone asked me to forgive them recently. It puzzled me. Not exactly the choice of words I would have chosen given the situation, but then again my choice of words is always top shelf and on point.

I digress.

Am I really in a position to grant forgiveness? Have I been so terribly wronged as to warrant forgiveness? What is an appropriate method of asking for forgiveness? It seems like such a serious thing to do — asking for forgiveness. I think it’s incredibly revealing especially considering the person in question thought their indiscretion was so weighty as to warrant forgiveness. Or maybe not. Maybe it was just rhetoric.

I was treated shabbily. There’s no denying that. And true enough I was owed an apology and at the very least an explanation. And the whole situation was entirely avoidable, which is really unfortunate and sad. But forgiveness?

Perhaps forgiveness was sought in order to clear this person’s conscience. I’m unclear on the motivation behind this particular request. Or the intention thereafter. I don’t suppose it much matters because I’ll probably never know.

People make mistakes. (I, of course, do not, but I’m trying to imagine what it’s like to be you.) People hurt each other’s feelings all the time. Not that that behavior is acceptable but sometimes people deserve second chances. Shit happens.

So, what’s a girl to do? What would Bruce Lee do? I may have to do field work and really fuck somebody’s shit up and then ask for forgiveness. Nah, too much contact with the outside world.

In conclusion, be careful what you ask for. Even though I am great, it may not be in my capacity to grant your every desire. And it may not even be what you really want. So just be clear, you know.

The floor is open for conversation. Let's start there.

You’re welcome.

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