Saturday, May 13, 2006

Best. Day. Ever.

March 28, 2006

This is worthy of inital caps throughout.

I began the day ordinarily enough on the subway. Then I spied the Post headline concerning Randy Johnson's lovechild entitled LITTLE UNIT. The corners of my lips lifted into a smile.

This is going to be an extraordinary day indeed.

Next up the news that a former potential employer is folding. Ordinarily this would give me pause (again with the pause). However, in this case, my heart leapt a little with joy as this particular potential employer had served me with not one, not two, but three successive copy tests before they would interview me. Not to toot the horn, but these particular copy samples were brilliant. I could have sold the sweetest kicks to hipsters nationwide in a split-second, but oh no, not so for this particular potential employer and now they're closing shop. So sorry.

This nugget was swiftly followed up by a review of my present employer in which I was duly informed of my own title change. All these years I thought I was a copywriter, but it turns out I am not a copywriter but in fact a MARKETING WONK. Awesome. I hope this promotion comes with a substantial increase in salary as I hear WONKS clean up in bonus at the end of the year. As a result, I developed a theme song for my department that contains the words WONK WONK accompanied by my own seriously freakalicious licks.

As if the day could not get any more stellar, I had to do research on the American Idol site for work. I'm telling you my mind was reeling. This is too sweet for words.

There was a bit of sad news, however. On a trip to Union Square, my heart fell as I approached the doors of Nicholas, a rasta shop, only to find it boarded up. This is where I bought T her sweet Bob Marley beach towels and some wicked incense and my favorite Bob Marley as a half-lion head T-shirt. Sad news indeed.

But there was a moment of reprieve as I took my ninth subway ride of the day and a very old man asked me for the time. I looked at him briefly with suspicion as he was wearing a ginormous gold watch but figured what the hey hey and gave him the time with as much importance as I could muster. His response: "You're a top button." C'mon people, this is diamond, as someone I know would say.

Best. Day. Ever. Hands down.

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