Saturday, May 13, 2006

high art and really big words

May 6, 2006

nerd and i took our first turn at the tribeca film festival today. first we decided to brunch at a popular spot for the newest round of baby boomers. hmm, bad idea. i thought i heard the hostess yell out "chelsea" but being as that is not my name, i did not respond. 45 minutes later, after inquiry, i was scolded for not having responded to my erroneous name. okay. yeah, you're right. shut up. the eggs were good though. mmm, eggs.

later that same day, we winded our way up several escalator flights to see "land of the blind". sounds ominous, no? it was AWESOME. damn it. i say damn it out of sheer jealousy. of course the screenwriter is also the director. ralph fiennes, donald southerland. it's fucking brilliant. really. no lie. political satire in the style of "brazil" but more accessible and just really funny, totally irreverent and not so kind to religion no matter what the director tried to explain away as his take on fanaticisim. still, brilliant. god, i should do the marketing for that movie. anyway, the point being, it's really good. and note to tribeca film festival organizers, plant people to ask questions so you don't get stupid questions like "i didn't get how he saw so-and-so if he was in jail." HELLO, DREAM SEQUENCE. so obvious. and to the man who made the reference to jacques lacan, no one cares that you went to graduate school and read mirror theory. i repeat, no one cares. and you will never get chicks with your foucault collection.

wow, that really unleashed something there. anyway, the movie was really wonderful and both leading men stellar. rarely am i moved so much by film/tv (save for that episode of "cheerleader nation"), but it made me jealous for not having written lately. so maybe i will. most likely not. but i guess i've written this and that counts for something or nothing or whatever. leave me alone. shut up.

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