Wednesday, May 17, 2006

vision quest

that's right, people. vision quest. 1985. matthew modine. linda fiorentino. high school wrestling. all the ingredients for dynamite.

this is how it went. after me and the ladies were denied entry into the beard and mustache championship, we ended up at a highly unusual library. a library without any books in fact. it was magic. a few magical potions later and in the throes of deep conversation, i threw it down. VISION QUEST. our sole male companion had opened up to us about a particular adventure, but nay, this was no regular outward bound. i deemed it his vision quest. and in fact it is, should he decide to tear it up on the proverbial mat of life (either in leotard or not) and pin that woman down. oh, i've said too much. it's too late for apologies now.

as you can probably imagine, the above conversation was highly charged. on the yellow cab home, the talk of VISION QUEST was unending. vision quest this. vision quest that. i'm in search of my own vision quest these days. i'm well versed in the double nelson and the strangle hold so achieving any goal i set my fierce mind and very able body to will not prove difficult for a super champion, nay champion of the world, such as myself right here.

as for the beardos mentioned in paragraph two, that was a real pity the show was sold out. i was really looking forward to engaging in conversation with the hairy and of course watching the competition. i love me some competition. but it was not meant to be, although i did get a sweet picture on my camera phone of one swarthy looking captain with some kind of crazy mustache. perhaps that was enough vision quest for one night. you can't keep this shiny penny down for long.

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