Wednesday, July 12, 2006

To hell with mosquitos

I am a juicy piece of succulent mosquito meat. This fact was clearly illustrated a wee two nights' ago when one such creation of God's wrath feasted upon my sleeping flesh. I awoke in a panic feeling the close buzz in my ear. The welts throbbed on my arms, legs, midsection, and back. The beast fed and he fed well. And yet, he was no where to be found. Not even my feverish sprays of Skin So Soft at 3 a.m. could deter him from a second feeding somewhere in and around 5 a.m.

I find this bold act of impudence against one so innocent such as myself to be inexcusable. I summon you, mosquito, to go right to hell and beyond for your gluttony. To hell with you mosquito and your kind. To hell with you bastard child of other such infidels. To hell. To hell. To hell.

1 comment:

  1. you do not suffer alone. i was also attacked by these beasts at a bbq last saturday and being allergic and not privy to the information about skin so soft until the next day at brunch, i am still recovering with red ugly marks on arms and legs .... pieces of shit mosquitos ... i loathe thee!!!
