Thursday, June 18, 2009

Take a timeout, North Korea

Seriously. North Korea is on my last nerve. Initially I thought their tiny leader with the pompadour and platform shoes and penchant for movies was just a super self-centered, attention whore. Now I'm annoyed.

Who threatens to fire a missile on Hawaii? Has he ever even been to Hawaii? Not that he'll ever be invited now. What a douche.

Remember that PBS special they did on North Korea? The tiny kids had never heard of the Intertubez or really anything popular culture-ish outside of their North Korean commune. They did sing really beautifully though. Those tiny North Korean kids in their tiny North Korean outfits. It's too bad their leader is such a total douche.

Fast Fact: Apparently the elite North Koreans have their own transportation system. This elite train only travels to and fro the super elite's super elitist headquarters.

It just sucks that North Korea has to ruin everything, like Summer and Peace, with their stupid missile (uh, penis) wielding. What did Hawaii ever do to you, North Korea? Have you ever even tasted the delicious fruits and nuts from Hawaii? Have you ever been lei'd, North Korea?

I officially reject North Korea and its attempted ruination of my summer and peace in general and of course Hawaii.

That is all.

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