Tuesday, March 20, 2007

One seriously bad fucking day

Warning: I'm in a really bad mood so if you don't want me to bring you down to my dark fortress, stop reading now. (And you can go scratch too by the way.)

All kinds of malevolent forces have been conspiring against me since I awoke this morning. I'm talking serious bad shit. The kind of wickedness that makes you really believe in karma. I have now accepted that in a former life I was Genghis Khan. I really don't see any other way around all these creatures of darkness exacting revenge on me in my current form.

You may have guessed that the above "search engine" seriously contributed to my dark mood. Maybe you'll win a KFed t-shirt for guessing correctly. Lucky you.

Now listen, I don't give a crap and a half about this guy. He can do whatever the hell he damn well pleases. Who cares really? But when this came across my desk as news, the shit hit the big fan. I went to a very dark place inside my mind.

Why do I want to search with Kevin Federline?

Why should I believe Keven Federline has my best interests at heart?

Why do I want to win some paraphernalia emblazoned with his face and name?

Who is responsible for this affront to my consciousness?

Who is the asshole seeding money to fund this venture?

Why? Why? Why?

You probably want the URL of KFed's search engine. I can't even give it to you. It was vomitrocious enough for me to have taken a screen shot. Do you see how I sacrifice myself for you?

I've spoken of the rage before. This has sent me over the edge into the abyss. As you know, I can't swim. Save yourself.

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