Monday, March 26, 2007

Super Cultured

As if this is at all surprising, I am super cultured. Tonight I attended a reading of several short plays. That means live actors read the parts with little to no staging, no scenery, no costumes, etc. See, only those with super suspension of disbelief -- like myself -- can partake in this high-minded cultural event.

Anyway, as luck would have it, some of the pieces were exceptionally good, while others really sucked. My friend wrote one of the exceptionally good ones because you know I only surround myself with talented people. One piece in particular confounded me to no end. I couldn't follow the dialogue; I couldn't follow the plot. It just sounded all kinds of crazytown to me. Afterwards the writers assembled on stage to take questions. It's funny how no one ever has any questions in situations like these. Anyway, the author of said confounding piece described the vision/inspiration. I was even more befuddled. That writer made no sense.

Sometimes that happens. As a totally awesome writer, I know this to be true. . . of others. I try not to rub it in when it happens to those other writers because I'm a pretty generous and loving person. Unless you cross me. Don't ever cross me.

Anyway anyway, I was reflecting on the subway home about the characters in these myriad pieces. Then it struck me like a thunderbolt. People in fiction can be just as assholic as people in real life. Can you believe that? You don't even have to suspend your disbelief really. It's amazing.

I think that revelation just shook the very grounds of theater. Playwrights everywhere are going to start seriously cranking out the pages now. (You're welcome.)

Anyway anyway anyway, it's all true. People in fiction and nonfiction can be real jerks. I know this to be true from personal investigation and from the reading of many many long books. I'm not advocating for everyone in fiction and otherwise to be nice all the time because that would seriously get boring. I'm just stating the facts.

What this Eureka moment has taught me is that at the end of the day, I am still super cultured. At least something's still right with the world.

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