Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Shocking discovery

Sometimes I am shocked by the day's news. Like yesterday for example, I was shocked to discover that shooting yourself in the face is not funny, even if you are a comedian. Yeah, totally unfunny.

On a lighter note, I unearthed this shocking discovery thanks to Scientific American:

"...inside every tabby lurks a killer."

That's right. Cats do not like sugar; they're carnivorous little bastards through and through. That's all cats: lions down to my former cat Muffin who loved me despite what anyone in my family says.

What's even more shocking is the discovery that cats don't take to sugar because they're missing the gene. I know. I had to sit down when I read that -- and I was already sitting down.

If you want to read all the gory details for yourself, go here: http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleid=32EA05AC-E7F2-99DF-3B28FBBB0352D1C3&chanId=sa022

Or remain ignorant of the killer purring softly beside you. It's your life.


  1. NOOOO!!!! It's not true!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!! I think ....

  2. Cats are jerks.
