Friday, October 26, 2007

Full disclosure

I am beginning to really despise Chicago. It's like an underground vacuum sucking the very life out of New York. First, Sam. Then, Siggy. Now, Kate. (Yeah, it's all about naming names because I'm pissed off.)

I'm really tired of these bon voyages to Chicago. I curse you, Chicago. I don't care how many songs are written about Chicago and how fabulous it is. You still suck, Chicago. Not as much as Boston, but right there behind it.

Deep dish pizza sucks. The John Hancock? Big deal. Lakes? Duh. The Cubs? As an animal, fine; as a team, pbbt!

I don't get it so I'm just going to continue my hating.

F' Chicago.

This is just the tip of the proverbial melting iceberg of my wrath on all things Chicago. Minnesota is next. Then California but that state is burning so I'll delay the true storm until it rains out there. You're on notice, California.

Apparently the acupuncture is not puncturing my hatred of all of humanity and its environment. We'll have to acquire deeper needles. For your sake.

You're welcome.


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