Sunday, August 19, 2007

Baronness von Penny

The above is the view from the open-air cockpit biplane that I flew in today over the Hudson Valley. It is as cool as it sounds. And now cooler because I did it.

You can actually fly in one of these four-seater planes with your pilot in back for a mere $50. It was the best $50 I've ever spent. You will be asked to wear the appropriate headgear and goggles and believe me it is worth it.

This was my plane. The Natural. Those are the old folks who flew before us. They had a seven-year-old too but she chickened out at the last minute. See you lata, sucka!

I can't begin to describe the exhilaration of taking off, cruising in the air, and then landing in one of these contraptions. They feel like toy planes. They asked us to keep our arms in at all times. They asked us to not touch the fuel gauge or step on the wing. They asked us to obey our pilot when in distress. They are not the boss of me, but I cut them some slack this time.

In conclusion, I will now respond to Baronness when called. Flying is awesome. Don't be too jealous. Scratch that -- you should be very very jealous.


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