Thursday, September 20, 2007


At long last. You've been waiting so long, right? Monkeys. You waited like two days max. Well here I am, working it for you. As usual. Unpaid servant of the people. I am really great.

But actually I am not really great. I have had this pounding headache all f'ing day. It feels like there is some serious fighting happening up inside my head. Like the left brain got super pissed at the right brain and they're now brandishing knives and dancing around like the Jets and the Sharks in West Side Story. Someone's going down.

I could take some sort of medical aid to alleviate my suffering but I figured I'd power through so you could stop waiting around for my next entry and maybe do something productive with yourself. Eat a banana! Jump rope! Steal a little girl's puppy!

Yeah, headaches really suck. I'm going to lie down or something and think about eating bananas and jumping rope and stealing a little girl's puppy.


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