Saturday, September 08, 2007

Run for your life!

There are so many great things about this picture and the story behind it. What you are seeing is the monster spider web that is kicking ass and taking names in a North Texas park. Some scientists believe this massive web is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Apparently you can hear the hum of mosquitoes caught in there. Mu-ha-ha. Some people are grossed out by this monster web. These people have no imagination and should be sacrificed to the web.

I don't think I'd appreciate walking into this monster web but I do appreciate its ginormity. Just goes to show when spiders work together, shit gets done.

I could compare this web to colonialism. I may just do that. I'm still thinking about it. I could compare this web to social networking, like an arachnoid Facebook. Maybe spiders are just looking for a date. "For a good time, come to the web. Meow."

So many possibilities. I may have to get down to Texas to witness the wicked web for myself. I will be thinking about this web for the rest of the weekend. That is all.

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